Liquid distributor
Liquid Distributor of the liquid onto the packed bed or structured packing is realised by appropriate liquid distributors. It is important to distribute the liquid flow equally across the column area in order to secure an intensive mass transfer between the phases. An important design criteria is the number of drip points in relation to the column area (= irrigation density).
In addition to the task of regular liquid distribution the part has to meet following requirements:
- pressure drop in the gas phase should be low
- part should be resistant against dirt or solids in the liquid
- high turn down ratio
- low entrainment of droplets
- prevention of irregular gas distribution
- prevention of wall effect on liquid flow
The following types of liquid distributors are available:Liquid Distribution
- distribution tray
- rough-type distributor
- ladder-type distributor
- spray nozzle-type distributor
Following principles of liquid distribution are used:Liquid Distribution
- by orifices at the bottom of distribution troughs or by drip tubes perforated at the sides
- overflow distribution by slots at the side of the troughs or by overflow spouts
- nozzles
Each of the types and principles listed above has its specific advantages and disadvantages. We will be glad to assist you with our experience to find the appropriate type for your requirements (with regard to column diameter, liquid load, operation range…).
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